Poland – european union: benefits of polish citizenship and european passport

The European Union - an exceptional organism in the global scale, starting from Jan 1, 2001 comprising of 27 countries. It is not merely a large labour market – the residents from the whole world are attracted by high standards of life, European universities, education centres, a possibility to run business or gainful activity. Nevertheless, the EU countries implemented a multitude of regulations, owing to which these are the citizens of member countries who are able to profit from opportunities offered by the Union in the fullest. Starting from May 2004, which means, since Poland joined the European Union, Polish citizens benefit from freedoms and privileges of the EU to the same extent* as citizens of other countries, such as France, Germany, or Great Britain


In the 20th century, due to different types of events, there were several waves of emigration. Numerous current residents of Israel, the USA and other countries lost Polish citizenship. Very often – against the law. On many occasions it was accompanied by the loss of the majority or the total of assets.

Nowadays the system of Polish law, with the intention to be fair and just, offers procedures to these people and their descendants, thanks to which they can become holders of Polish ID cards and passports again – with which they can start to take advantage of all possibilities presented by the Polish citizenship – one of the members of the EU.

What exactly are the advantages of acquiring Polish citizenship and using Polish Passport?


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - Work

According to the article 39 sec. 1 of the EEC Treaty, Polish citizens benefit from the freedom of movement of workers between the countries of Union. It means that Polish citizens are allowed to work in the other countries on the same conditions as the citizens of these countries and must not be faced wit any type of discrimination in this respect.

Although some countries implemented transitional rules, aimed at gradual adaptation of labour markets, which is, temporary preservance of certain limitations, still, their duration in the most extreme cases does not exceed 7 years starting from the adhesion of Poland to the EU.

In 2009 the restrictions prescribed in the transitional rules are still in force only in Austria and Germany.


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - Education

The qualification process for the universities of the countries belonging to the EU is unified for candidates from all these countries. Students from Poland have the same privileges as students from other countries. At the state universities where education is free the same regulations are applicable for citizens of Poland. Details, universal for the EU citizens, might however differ in particular countries due to separately agreed education policy and must be checked individually (requirements concerning the knowledge of a language, the possibility of selective granting a student scholarship depending on living in a given country for a given period of time). CK Law Office Kancelaria Adwokacka provides assistance also in this area.


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - Purchase of property

Polish citizenship entitles to freedom of purchase of property on the territory of Poland (foreigners in this area encounter numerous limitations). One needs to take under consideration the fact that foreigners (namely the persons from beyond the territory of European Economic Area) must be ready to face restrictions not only in Poland, but also in other countries of the EU. Poland, upon joining the EU, made use of the possibilities provided by the transitional rules and there are still rules in force on the territory of Poland, which obstruct the full freedom (even for other EU citizens – it holds true in case of second house and agro-forestal estate). A person interested in restitution of property left behind in Poland, on becoming a holder of Polish citizenship obtains an additional legal guarantee in the form of possibility of appeal to the court in Strasburg.

Polish citizenship is therefore very beneficial for all those willing to make investments in Poland. It also enables the purchase of property according to the same conditions as for the EU citizens in the countries where the restrictions for foreigners are in force.


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - political privileges

One of the basic freedoms guaranteed by the treaties establishing EC was the principle of free flow of people. The EU citizens are not only allowed to work, but also to settle down, as long as they possess substantial funds and are covered by health insurance in many other countries of the Union. They may participate in general elections, with respect to their citizenship, and in local government elections – with respect to the place of residence.


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - Safety

Poland, in spite of being a member of NATO and an active international policy, is believed to be a peaceful country, whose citizens are not prone to aggression coming from terrorist groups. Travelling with Polish passport is therefore safer than in case of American or Israel documents.


Polish citizenship/ Polish passport - Others

For many, Poland is a country of ancestors, inseparably connected with family and historical memory. Polish citizenship and Polish passport guarantees contact with the land of ancestors, also for the future generations.

*except certain areas in countries which in 2004 implemented transitional periods, lasting up to maximum of 7 years.

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